Prénom / Name : Isa
- Age/ Age : 16
- Pays/Country : United
- Departement et Ville /Zip and City : Montpelier, Vermont
- Style
lolita favori / Favorite lolita's style : elegant/Gothic elegant
Passion / Interest : victorian Lolita, anything victorian in general, writing, art
- Loisirs / Hobbies : writing, drawing, and baking
- Musique / Music : a wide variety
- Ce que je fais dans la vie / Studies, job : second year in high-school, and I clean the office of my mother shop.
- 3 mots
pour décrire ma personnalité / 3 words to describe my personality :
intense, vibrate, eclectic
- Autres choses ? / Other things ? : I try to dress as victorian lolita every day, and spend much more then I should on clothes. I'm not small and have a hard time finding really good quality clothes that will fit. any recommendations would be really wonderful. I'm very glad to get to talk to other girl who have a passion for really lovely clothes.